Lord, Albert B. (Albert Bates)
Lord, Albert B.
Лорд, Алберт Б.
中华书局 2004.5 外国民俗文化研究名著译丛 / 钟敬文主编
Albert B. Lord
The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature , Harvard University Press [distributor] 2019 3rd ed / edited by David F. Elmer Publications of the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature 4 , Hellenic studies 77 , Harvard studies in comparative literature 24
Albert B. Lord ; Stephen Mitchell and Gregory Nagy, editors
Harvard University Press c2000 2nd ed Harvard studies in comparative literature 24
: pbk
by Elias Lönnrot ; translated from the Finnish with an introduction and notes by Keith Bosley ; and a foreword by Albert B. Lord
Oxford University Press 1999 Oxford world's classics
Albert Bates Lord ; edited by Mary Louise Lord
Cornell University Press 1995 Myth and poetics
: cloth
А.Б. Лорд
Издательская фирма "Восточная лит-ра" 1994 Исследования по фольклору и мифологии Востока / редакционная кол.: И.С. Брагинский ... [и др.]
Albert Bates Lord
Cornell University Press 1991 Myth and poetics
Cornell University Press 1991 Myth and poetics , Cornell paperbacks
: paper , : cloth
edition, verse translation, introduction, and bibliography, John S. Miletich ; foreword, Albert B. Lord ; afterword, Samuel G. Armistead
University of Illinois Press c1990 Illinois medieval monographs 3
Albert B. Lord ; prevela sa engleskog Slobodanka Glišić
Idea 1990 Biblioteka XX vek 71
: set , 1 , 2
John Miles Foley, editor
Slavica Publishers 1981, c1980
by Béla Bartók and Albert B. Load ; edited by Benjamin Suchoff ; with a foreword by George Herzog
State University of New York Press 1978 The New York Bartók Archive studies in musicology no. 9 . Yugoslav folk music ; v. 1
selected and edited by Albert B. Lord ; illustrated by Teje Etchemendy
Heritage Press c1970
by Albert B. Lord and David E. Bynum
Mouton 1968
Albert B. Lord ; aus dem Englischen und Serbokroatischen von Helmut Martin
Carl Hanser c1965 Literatur als Kunst : eine Schriftenreihe / herausgegeben von Kurt May und Walter Höllerer
by Albert Bates Lord
Mouton 1965
by Albert B. Lord
Atheneum 1965
collected and translated by Merlin Ennis ; comparative analysis by Albert B. Lord
Beacon Press c1962
Harvard University Press c1960 Harvard studies in comparative literature 24
Harvard University Press c1960 Harvard studies in comparative literature no. 24