Blake Trust
edited with essays and commentary by Martin Butlin ; and an essay on the poem by Morton D. Paley
William Blake Trust 2009
edited with an introduction and commentary by Martin Butlin ; and with a foreword by William Vaughan
Thames & Hudson in association with the William Blake Trust c2005
by John Milton ; with a preface by Peter Ackroyd ; an introduction by John Wain ; illustrations by William Blake
Folio Society 2003
William Blake ; edited with an introduction and notes by Andrew Lincoln
William Blake Trust : Tate Gallery 1998 Blake's illuminated books / general editor, David Bindman v. 2
William Blake ; edited with an introduction and notes by Morton D. Paley
William Blake Trust : Tate Gallery 1998 Blake's illuminated books / general editor, David Bindman v. 1
William Blake Trust : Tate Gallery c1991 Blake's illuminated books / general editor, David Bindman v. 2
: uk , : uk, pbk
William Blake Trust : Tate Gallery c1991 Blake's illuminated books / general editor, David Bindman v. 1
: pbk
Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester [1969]
: [pbk.]
[William Blake]
Published by Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust 1969
Trianon Press , Distributed throughout the world by B. Quaritch [1967?]
arranged by William Blake Trust ; a commemorative handbook with a study by Geoffrey Keynes and a foreword by Lessing J. Rosenwald
Trianon Press c1964
Trianon Press for William Blake Trust London 1963
described by the collector ; edited by with an introduction by Kerrison Preston
Published for The William Blake Trust by Faber and Faber 1952