Saratchandra, E. R. deS
Ediriweera R. Sarachchandra
Sarathchandra, Ediriweera R.
Veditantrige Ediriweera Ranjita Sarachchandra
Saraccandra, Edirivīra
Ediriwira Sarachchandra
Sarachchandra, Ediriwira
Ediriweera Sarachchandra ; edited by P.B. Galahitiyawa, K.N.O. Dharmadasa
S. Godage & Bros. c1995
エディリヴィーラ・サラッチャンドラ著 ; 野口忠司訳
南雲堂 1993.2
エディリヴィーラ・サラッチャンドラ著 ; 中村禮子, パドマ・ラタナーヤカ訳
南雲堂 1991.4
Ediriwira Sarachchandra ; translated from the original Sinhalese by the author
UNESCO , Heinemann Asia 1987 Writing in Asia series , Unesco collection of representative works Sinhalese series
[herausgegeben von Heinz Mode] ; [mit einem Geleitwort von Edirivira Sarachchandra] ; [Fotos von Günter Clauß]
G. Kiepenheuer 1981, c1977 2. Aufl
Heinemann 1978 Writing in Asia series
by E.R. Sarachchandra ; [photographs by D. B. Suranimala ; assisted by W.P. Sugathadasa] ; [charcoal sketches and other drawings by Lalitha Sarachchandra]
Dept. of Cultural Affairs 1966 2nd ed
by Martin Wickramasinghe ; translated by Ediriweera R. Sarachchandra
M. D. Gunasena 1963 2nd rev. ed.
by Shōyō Tsubouchi, Jirō Yamamoto ; with an additional chapter, Kabuki as seen by foreigners by Ruth M. Shaver, Ediriweera R. Sarathchandra, and Faubion Bowers ; edited and translated by Ryōzō Matsumoto
Heiji Yamagata c1960
E. R. Sarathchandra
Ceylon university Press 1958
by E.R. Sarathchandra ; marginal illustrations by R. Candappa
Ceylon University Press Board 1953