Spriegel, William Robert
スプリーゲル, W. R.(スプリーゲル, W. R.)
edited by William R. Spriegel and Clark E. Myers
Richard D.Irwin 1953 The Irwin series in industrial engineering and management
W.R. スプリーゲル, R.H. ランズバーグ [著] ; 高盛一雄訳編
日本生産性本部 1961 アメリカ経営学大系 3-4
1 , 2
[by] Walter Dill Scott, Robert C. Clothier [and] William R. Spriegel
Mcgraw-Hill 1961 6th ed
William R. Spriegel ; in collaboration with Ernest Coulter Davies
Prentice-Hall 1960 3rd ed
Prentice-Hall , Maruzen c1960 3rd ed
William R. Spriegel, John Robert Beishline, Alfred G. Dale
Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas 1958 Rev Personal study no. 8
William R. Spriegel
Wiley , Charles E. Tuttle c1955, 1958 5th ed
[by] William R. Spriegel, Edward Schulz, William B. Spriegel
J. Wiley , Chapman & Hall c1957 2nd ed
by William R. Spriegel, Edward Schulz, William B. Spriegel
Wiley c1957 2nd ed Wiley international editions
Wiley : Chapman & Hall , Toppan 1957 2nd ed
William R. Spriegel, E. Lanham
Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas 1956 Personal study no. 11
Wiley , Chapman & Hall c1955 5th ed
by William R. Spriegel, E. Lanham
Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas 1954 Personal study no. 7
Bureau of Business Research, College of Business Administration, University of Texas 1954 Personal study no. 10
Bureau of Business Research College of Business Administration, University of Texas 1954 Personal study no. 9
by W.R. Spriegel, E. Lanham
Bureau of Business Research, Colllege of Business Administration, University of Texas 1953 Personal study no. 5
College of Business Administration, University of Texas 1953 Personal study no. 6
by William R. Spriegel and E. Lanham
Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas 1952 Personal study no. 4
by William R. Spriegel ; in collaboration with Ernest Coulter Davies
Prentice-Hall 1952 2nd ed
by William R. Spriegel and Elizabeth Lanham ; with the assistance of Richard F. Schmidt
Bureau of Business Research, College of Business Administration, University of Texas [1951] Personal study no. 3