Freidin, Seymour
[徳]維爾納・克頼佩空軍上将[ほか]著 ; 申庚訳
商務印書館 1982.2
Seymour K. Freidin
Dodd, Mead c1972
by Seymour Freidin and George Bailey
Macmillan [1968]
Werner Kreipe ... [et al.] ; edited by Seymour Freiden and William Richardson ; commentary by Siegfried Westphal ; foreword by S.L.A. Marshall ; translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon
Berkley 1963, c1956 A Berkley medallion book
Seymour Freidin
Charles Scribner's Sons c1962
with a commentary by Siegfried Westphal ; [edited by William Richardson and Seymour Freidin ; translated from the German by Constantine Fitz Gibbon, with an introduction by Cyril Falls]
M. Joseph 1956
edited by Seymour Freidin and William Richardson ; commentary by Siegfried Westphal ; foreword by S.L.A. Marshall ; translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon
W. Sloane Associates 1956