Strong, Sarah Mehlhop



Strong, Sarah M.

ストロング, サラ(ストロング, サラ)


検索結果10件中 1-10 を表示

  • Ainu spirits singing : the living world of Chiri Yukie's Ainu shinʾyōshū

    Sarah M. Strong

    University of Hawaiʻi Press c2011

    : hardcover


  • Masterworks of Miyazawa Kenji : poems and fairy tales

    [Kenji Miyazawa] ; translated by Sarah M. Strong and Karen Colligan-Taylor

    国際言語文化振興財団 , サンマーク出版 (発売) 2002.8


  • The telegraph poles on a moonlit night

    original text by Kenji Miyazawa ; translated by Sarah M. Strong ; pictures by Hiromi Nikaido

    International Foundation for the Promotion of Languages and Culture , Distributed by Sunmark 2000 Kenji Miyazawa picture book series 9


  • どんぐりと山猫 : Judge wildcat and the acorns

    宮沢賢治原作 ; サラ・ストロング訳 ; 本橋靖昭イラスト

    国際言語文化振興財団 2000.6 Kenji Miyazawa picture book series 8


  • The twin stars

    original text by Kenji Miyazawa ; translated by Sarah M. Strong ; pictures by Miyuki Hasekura

    International Foundation for the Promotion of Languages and Culture , distributed by Sunmark 1998 Kenji Miyazawa picture book series 4


  • On the fourth day of the narcissus month

    original text by Kenji Miyazawa ; translated by Sarah M. Strong ; pictures by Masao Idou

    International Foundation for the Promotion of Languages and Culture , distributed by Sunmark 1997 Kenji Miyazawa picture book series 2


  • The shining feet

    original text by Kenji Miyazawa ; translated by Sarah M. Strong ; pictures by Miyuki Hasekura

    International Foundation for the Promotion of Languages and Culture , distributed by Sunmark 1997 Kenji Miyazawa picture book series 1


  • Gem fire

    original text by Kenji Miyazawa ; translated by Sarah M. Strong ; pictures by Miyuki Hasekura

    International Foundation for the Promotion of Languages and Culture , distributed by Sunmark 1997 Kenji Miyazawa picture book series 3


  • Night of the Milky Way railway

    by Miyazawa Kenji ; translation and guide by Sarah M. Strong ; illustrated by Bryn Barnard

    M.E. Sharpe c1991 An East gate book


  • The poetry of Miyazawa Kenji

    by Sarah Mehlhop Strong

    UMI Dissertation Service 1984


