Česká společnost chemická
Československá chemická společnost
Czechoslovak Chemical Society
Československá spoločnost̕ chemická pri ČSAV
Československá akademie věd. Československá společnost chemická
Société chimique de Tchécoslovaquie
Spolok chemikov Slovákov (Bratislava, Czechoslovakia)
editors, B. Sedláček, C.G. Overberger, H.F. Mark
Wiley 1980 Journal of polymer science . Polymer symposia, no. 68
Wiley c1979 Journal of polymer science . Polymer symposia ; no. 66
editors, B. Sedláček ... [et al.]
Wiley 1977 Journal of polymer science . Polymer Symposia, no. 61
edited by K. Dušek ... [et al.]
Wiley 1975 Journal of polymer science . Polymer symposia ; no. 53
edited by C. G. Overberger and B. Sedlekáč
Wiley 1974áč Journal of polymer science . Polymer symposia ; no. 47
[organized by the] International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Macromolecular Division ; symposium editor, B. Sedláček
Butterworths c1972 Macromolecular microsymposia = Microsymposia macromolèculaire 8-9
Butterworths c1971 Macromolecular chemistry 6
[organized by the] International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Macromolecular Division
Butterworths c1970 Macromolecular chemistry 5
Butterworths 1969
[organised by] International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Macromolecular Division, in conjunction with Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and Czechoslovak Chemical Society
Butterworths c1969
[under the auspices of the] International Union of Pure and Applied CHemistry, Organic Chemistry Division ; in conjunction with the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the Czechoslovak Chemical Society
Butterworths 1966
prepared by Květoslav Spurný
Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 1965
Gordon and Breach c1965
Edited by K. Macek and I.M. Hais ; [Translated papers rev. by L. Doležalová and J. Liebster]
Elsevier Pub. Co. 1965