ボーモント, シリル・ウィリアム(ボーモント, シリル・ウィリアム)
Beaumont, Cyril William
Beaumount, Cyril W. (Cyril William)
by Cyril W. Beaumont
Dance Books 2012
by Gregorio Lambranzi ; with all the original plates by Johann Georg Puschner ; translated from the German by Derra de Moroda ; edited with a preface by Cyril W. Beaumont
Noverre Press 2012
Cyril William Beaumont
Kessinger 2010
Dover Publications 2002
: pbk
Dance Books 1996
シリル・ボーモント著 ; 佐藤和哉訳
新書館 1992.12 Classics on dance 2
Dance Horizons 1981
translated by Cyril W. Beaumont
Books for Libraries 1980, c1932 Dance
Dance Horizons c1969 Series of republications by Dance Horizons
Dance Horizons c1966 Dance horizons series
annotated by Serge Leslie ; edited by Cyril Beaumont
C.W. Beaumont 1966-1968
pt. 1 , pt. 2
compiled and annotated by Cyril W. Beaumont
Benjamin Blom 1963
by Peggy Van Praagh and Peter Brinson ; with a foreword by Cyril Beaumont ; seventy-three photographs and 11 drawings by Robert Bruce Church
Adam & Charles Black 1963
by Cyril W. Beaumont ; with ten dances variously arranged by Eleanor Banks ... [et al.]
C. W. Beaumont 1962, c1941
by Cyril W. Beaumont ; with illustrations by Eileen Mayo
C.W. Beaumont 1961, c1933 Rev. ed
by Thoinot Arbeau ; now first translated from the original edition published at Langres, 1588 by Cyril W. Beaumont ; with a preface by Peter Warlock
Dance Horizons [196-] Series of republications by Dance Horizons
by Melusine Wood ; with a foreword by Cyril Beaumont, F.R.S.L.
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing 1960
C.W. Beaumont 1960, c1935 Rev. and enlarged ed
Cyril Beaumont
Studio Publications 1958
by Cyril Beaumont
Putnam 1955