Universität Bielefeld. Sonderforschungsbereich-Prävention und Intervention im Kindes- und Jugendalter
SFB 227
Special Research Unit-Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence
Special Research Area 227: "Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence"
Research Center "Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence"
edited by Frank Nestmann and Klaus Hurrelmann
de Gruyter 1994 Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence 16
edited by Wim Meeus ... [et al.]
W. de Gruyter 1992 Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence 13
edited by Günter Albrecht, Hans-Uwe Otto with the assistance of Susanne Karstedt-Henke and Karin Böllert
Walter de Gruyter 1991 Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence 11
edited by Michael Brambring, Friedrich Lösel, Helmut Skowronek
W. de Gruyter 1989 Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence 7
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