Hennessy, Basil
Hennessy, J. B. (John Basil)
ヘネシー, ジョン・バジル
by J.B. Hennessy, K.O. Eriksson, I.C. Kehrberg
Paul Åströms Förlag 1988 Studies in Mediterranean archaeology v. 82
D. Homès-Fredericq, J.B. Hennessy, eds
Peeters 1986-1989 Akkadica . Supplementum ; 3,7-8
1 : Bibliography , 2-1 : Field reports : surveys & sites A-K , 2-2 : Field reports : sites L-Z
John Boardman ; scede critiche di Robert J. Charleston, Robert M. Cook, John Basil Hennessy
Arnoldo Mondadori 1984 Libri illustrati Mondadori
ジョン・バジル・ヘネシー編著 ; 由水常雄翻訳
講談社 1979.2 西洋陶磁大観 第1巻
[selection and texts by] John Basil Hennessy
Kodansha , [distributor] Kodansha International/USA through Harper & Row c1979 Masterpieces of Western and Near Eastern ceramics / general editor, Robert J. Charleston v. 1
J. B. Hennessy
Bernard Quaritch [1964] Publications