Charleston, Robert J.
Charleston, Robert J. (Robert Jesse)
Charleston, Robert Jesse
チャールトン, ロバート J.
Robert J. Charleston ; with contributions by David B. Whitehouse and Susanne K. Frantz
H.N. Abrams 1990 Expanded ed A Corning Museum of Glass monograph
: Mus. pbk
Svend Eriksen and Geoffrey de Bellaigue ; Danish text translated by R.J. Charleston
Faber and Faber 1987 The Faber monographs on pottery and porcelain
John Boardman ; scede critiche di Robert J. Charleston, Robert M. Cook, John Basil Hennessy
Arnoldo Mondadori 1984 Libri illustrati Mondadori
Giorgio Lise, Anne Berendsen, Robert J. Charleston
Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri c1982 Antiquariato : collana di arti decorative
edited by Robert J. Charleston ; John Ayers ... [et al.]
Hamlyn 1981, c1968 1st softback ed
: pbk.
ロバート・J・チャールストン編著 ; 青柳正規, 堀晄翻訳
講談社 1979.10 西洋陶磁大観 第4巻
ロバート・M・クック, ロバート・J・チャールストン編著 ; 山崎淳翻訳
講談社 1979.5 西洋陶磁大観 第2巻
ロバート・J・チャールストン, D.F.ルンシンク・スクリーア編著 ; 金子重隆翻訳
講談社 1978.8 西洋陶磁大観 第7巻
R. J. Charleston, Michael Archer. Limoges and other painted enamels / Madeleine Marcheix, R. J. Charleston
Published for the National Trust by Office du Livre 1977 The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor
R. J. Charleston
Victoria and Albert Museum [1968]
edited by R. J. Charleston
Ernest Benn 1965
by R. J. Charleston
Faber and Faber 1955 The Faber monographs on pottery and porcelain
by Frederic Neuburg ; translated by R.J. Charleston
Art Trade Press 1949
by R.J. Charleston
Pitman Publishing Co. [19--]
general editor, Robert J. Charleston
Kodansha , distributed by Kodansha International/USA through Harper & Row
edited by R.J. Charleston