Hutchins, William M.



Hutchins, W. M.

Hutchins, William Maynard


検索結果15件中 1-15 を表示

  • Tawfiq al-Hakim : a reader's guide

    William Maynard Hutchins

    Lynne Rienner 2003 A three continents book


  • The Cairo trilogy

    Naguib Mahfouz ; translated by William Maynard Hutchins ... [et al.] ; with an introduction by Sabry Hafez

    A.A. Knopf 2001 Everyman's library 248 , Borzoi books

    : us


  • The Cairo trilogy : Palace walk, Palace of desire, Sugar street

    Naguib Mahfouz ; tr. by William Maynard Hutchins ... [et al] ; with an intro. by Sabry Hafez

    Everyman 2001 Everyman's library 248


  • In the tavern of life & other stories

    Tawfiq al-Hakim ; translated by Willam Maynard Hutchins

    Lynne Rienner Publisher 1998 A three continents book

    : cloth , : pbk


  • Sugar Street

    Naguib Mahfouz ; translated by William Maynard Hutchins and Angele Botros Samaan

    Anchor Books 1993 1st Anchor Books ed The Cairo trilogy / Naguib Mahfouz 3 , Anchor books

    : pbk


  • Kereta api jam sebelas : kumpulan cerpen Mesir

    William M. Hutchins (ed) ; penterjemah: Ajikik dan Ainon Abu Bakar

    Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pendidikan 1992 Cet. 1


  • Palace of desire

    Naguib Mahfouz ; translated by William Maynard Hutchins, Lorne M. Kenny, Olive E. Kenny

    Doubleday 1992 The Cairo trilogy / Naguib Mahfouz 2

    : pbk


  • Palace walk

    Naguib Mahfouz ; translated by William Maynard Hutchins and Olive E. Kenny

    Doubleday 1991, c1990 The Cairo trilogy / Naguib Mahfouz 1 , Anchor books

    : pbk


  • Return of the spirit : Tawfig al-Hakim's classic novel of the 1919 revolution : first complete English translation

    William M. Hutchins

    Three Continents Press c1990 1st English-language ed

    : pbk


  • Palace walk

    Naguib Mahfouz ; translated by William M. Hutchins and Olive E. Kenny

    The American University in Cairo Press c1989 The Cairo trilogy / Naguib Mahfouz 1


  • Nine essays of al-Jahiz

    translated by William M. Hutchins

    P. Lang c1989 American university studies Series VII, Theology and religion ; v. 53


  • Egyptian tales and short stories of the 1970s and 1980s

    edited by William M. Hutchins

    American University in Cairo Press c1987


  • Al-Mazini's Egypt

    [Ibrahim Abd al-Qadir al-Mazini] ; translations and introduction by William Hutchins

    Three Continents Press c1983 1st English language ed Unesco collection of representative works Arabic series



  • Theater of the mind

    Three Continents Press c1981 UNESCO collection of representative works . Contemporary Arab authors series , Plays, prefaces & postscripts of Tawfiq al-Hakim / translated from the Arabic by William M. Hutchins v. 1


  • Plays, prefaces & postscripts of Tawfiq al-Hakim

    translated from the Arabic by William M. Hutchins

    Three Continents Press

