Wong, R. Bin (Roy Bin)
ウォン, R・ビン(ウォン, R・ビン)
王, 国斌(オウ, コクヒン)
王, 國斌(オウ, コクヒン)
Wang, Guobin
edited by Masayuki Tanimoto & R. Bin Wong
University of California Press c2019 A Philip E. Lilienthal book
: pbk
青木昌彦, 岡崎哲二, 神取道宏監修
NTT出版 2016.9 叢書「制度を考える」
(美) 王国斌著 ; 李伯重, 连玲玲译
江苏人民出版社 2014.5 海外中国研究丛书 / 刘东主编 . 精品系列||セイヒン ケイレツ||jing pin xi lie ; 第1輯
Gérard Chaliand ; translated by Michèle Mangin-Woods and David Woods ; foreword by R. Bin Wong
University of California Press c2014
: cloth , : pbk
Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, R. Bin Wong
Harvard University Press 2011
(美)王国斌著 ; 李伯重, 连玲玲译
凤凰出版传媒集团 : 江苏人民出版社 1998.12 凤凰文库 . 海外中国研究系列||カイガイ チュウゴク ケンキュウ ケイレツ||hai wai zhong guo yan jiu ji lie
orgainised by, The 21st century COE program (interface humanities) Osaka University and Asia Research Institute National University of Singapore
Research Cluster on Global History and Maritime Asia, the 21st Century COE Program (Interface Humanities), Osaka University 2007
R. Bin Wong
Cornell University Press 2000, c1997 Cornell paperbacks
edited by Theodore Huters, R. Bin Wong, and Pauline Yu
SMC Pub. 1998 Irvine studies in the humanities
江苏人民出版社 1998.12 海外中国研究丛书 / 刘东主编
edited by Theodore Huters, R. Bin Wong, and Pauline Yu ; [contributors, Ann Anagnost ... et al.]
Stanford University Press 1997 Irvine studies in the humanities
Cornell University Press c1997
: [hbk.] , : pbk.
Pierre-Étienne Will & R. Bin Wong ; with James Lee ; contributions by Jean Oi, Peter Perdue
Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan c1991 Michigan monographs in Chinese studies no. 60