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edited by John Barry and E. Gene Frankland
[Amazon] [2014]
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
E.ジーン・フランクランド, ポール・ルカルディ, ブノワ・リウー編著 ; 白井和宏訳
緑風出版 2013.9
Available at 51 libraries
E. Gene Frankland
McGraw-Hill Higher Education c2009 10th ed Global studies
edited by E. Gene Frankland, Paul Lucardie, Benoît Rihoux
Ashgate c2008
: hardback
Available at 15 libraries
McGraw-Hill/Dushkin c2004 8th ed Global studies
Routledge 2002
Available at 56 libraries
E. Gene Frankland and Donald Schoonmaker
Westview Press 1992
: cloth , : pbk
Available at 24 libraries