German-Polish Max Born Symposium
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editors, J. Kowalski-Glikman, R. Durka, M. Szczachor
American Institute of Physics 2009 AIP conference proceedings 1196
Available at 1 libraries
Jerzy Lukierski, Dmitri Sorokin (eds.)
American Institute of Physics c2005 AIP conference proceedings 767
Available at 4 libraries
edited by Andrzej Frydryszak, Jerzy Lukierski, Ziemowit Popowicz
World Scientific c2000
Available at 8 libraries
A. Borowiec ... [et al.] (eds.)
Springer c2000 Lecture notes in physics 539
Available at 18 libraries
Ph. Blanchard, A. Jadczyk, (eds.)
Springer c1999 Lecture notes in physics 517
Available at 24 libraries
Andrzej Pękalski, Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron (eds.)
Springer c1999 Lecture notes in physics 519
Available at 22 libraries
edited by Zbigniew Haba, Wojciech Cegła and Lech Jakóbczyk
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1995 Mathematics and its applications v. 317
Available at 34 libraries
Andrzej Pękalski (ed.)
Springer-Verlag c1994 Lecture notes in physics 438
Available at 37 libraries
edited by Zbigniew Oziewicz, Bernard Jancewicz, and Andrzej Borowiec
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1993 Fundamental theories of physics v. 52
Available at 29 libraries
edited by R. Gielerak, J. Lukierski, and Z. Popowicz
Kluwer Academic c1992 Mathematical physics studies v. 13
Available at 19 libraries