Intel (Firm)
sponsored by ACM SIGARCH ; technical supporters, Intel ... [et al.] editors, Arndt Bode ... [et al.]
Association for Computing Machinery c2014
sponsored by ACM SIGARCH ; supported by Intel ... [et al.]
Association for Computing Machinery c2012
Association for Computing Machinery c2012 SIGPLAN notices v. 47, no. 6, June 2012
sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN & ACM SIGOPS ; in cooperation with USENIX, supported by VMware ... [et al.]
Association for Computing Machinery c2011 SIGPLAN notices v. 46, no. 7, July 2011
sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN ; supported by National Science Foundation ... [et al.]
Association for Computing Machinery c2011 SIGPLAN notices v. 46, no. 6, June 2011
sponsored by ACM SIGACT & ACM SIGARCH ; and supported by Akamai, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Intel, & Sun Microsystems
Association for Computing Machinery c2008
sponsored by ACM SIGACT & ACM SIGARCH ; in cooperation with EATCS ; and supported by Akamai, Intel, & Sun Microsystems
Association for Computing Machinery c2007
sponsored by ACM SIGACT, ACM SIGARCH ; with support from Sun Microsystems, Akamai, Google, & Intel
Association for Computing Machinery c2006
sponsored by ACM SIGARCH ; additional support by Intel Corporation and Florida State University
Association for Computing Machinery c2003
[organized by Venezuela's EDS/CAS/PEL Joint Chapter ; with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE's Electron Devices and Circuits and Systems Societies ; the support of Unicersidad Simón Bilívar, Venezuela ... [et al.]
IEEE Operations Center c2002
sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Intel Corporation, Point Grey Research
IEEE Computer Society 2001
: bookbroker
sponsored by ACM, ACM SIGDA, Purdue University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Intel Corporation
Association for Computing Machinery c2001
Mark Ivey and Ralph Bond
Dell Pub. c1999 A Dell trade paperback
Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation共著 ; ドキュメントシステム訳
日経BPソフトプレス , 日経BP出版センタ- (発売) 1999.1 マイクロソフト公式解説書
Intel Corporation,Microsoft Corporation共著 ; エムアンドエムインターナショナル株式会社訳
日経BPソフトプレス , 日経BP出版センター (発売), 1998.3 マイクロソフト公式解説書
Intel Corporation
McGraw-Hill c1997
Intel 1996