Brightman, Frank Edward
edited with introductions and appendices by F. E. Brightman ; on the basis of the former work by C. E. Hammond
Clarendon Press 1965
v. 1
translated, with an introduction and notes by F.E. Brightman ; and including "Lancelot Andrewes" (1926) by T.S. Eliot
Meridian Books 1961 Living age books LA32
translated by F.E. Brightman
Faith Press 1922
with an introduction and an appendix by F.E. Brightman
Rivingtons 1915
v. 1 , v. 2
Translated with an introduction and notes by F. E. Brightman
Methuen 1903
edited with introductions and appendices by F.E. Brightman ; on the basis of the former work by C.E. Hammond
Clarendon 1896-