International Federation of Societies for Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology



International Federation of Societies for EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology

Fédération internationale des sociétés d'électroencéphalographie et de neurophysiologie clinique



International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology


検索結果42件中 1-20 を表示

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  • Recommendations for the practice of clinical neurophysiology

    made by the International Federation of Societies for Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology

    Elsevier 1983

    : us


  • Infections and inflammatory reactions, allergy and allergic reactions : degenerative diseases

    editor, F.J. Radermecker

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1977 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 15 . Clinical EEG, V / editor, D.D. Daly ; pt. A


  • Semiology in clinical EEG

    editors, M. Dondey and J. Gaches

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1977 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 11 . Clinical EEG, I / editor, W. A. Cobb ; pt. A


  • Effect of drugs on the EEG

    editor, V.G. Longo

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1977 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 7 . Physiological correlates of EEG / editors, E.K. Killam and K. Killam ; pt. C


  • Metabolic, endocrine and toxic diseases

    editor, G.H. Glaser

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 15 . Clinical EEG, V / editor, D.D. Daly ; pt. C


  • EEG interpretation in clinical medicine

    editor W.A. Cobb

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 11 . Clinical EEG, I / editor, W. A. Cobb ; pt. B


  • The EEG of the waking adult

    editors, G.E. Chatrian and G.C. Lairy

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 6 . The normal EEG throughout life / editor, G.C. Lairy ; pt. A


  • Sampling, conversion and measurement of bioelectrical phenomena

    editor, F.H. Lopes da Siliva

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 4 . Evaluation of bioelectrical data form brain, nerve and muscle, I / editor, M.A.B. Brazier ; pt. A


  • Graphic and magnetic-tape recording of bioelectrical phenomena

    editor, J.D. Frost Jr. and J.S. Barlow

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 3 . Techniques and methods of data acquisition of EEG and EMG / editor, M.R. DeLucchi ; pt. B


  • Acquisition of bioelectrical data : collection and amplification

    editor, R.J. Broughton

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 3 . Techniques and methods of data acquisition of EEG and EMG / editor, M.R. DeLucchi ; pt. A


  • Activation and provocation methods in clinical neurophysiology

    editor, R. Naquet

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 3 . Techniques and methods of data acquisition of EEG and EMG / editor, M.R. DeLucchi ; pt. D


  • Morphological basis of EEG mechanisms

    editor, O. Creutzfeldt

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1976 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 2 . Electrical activity from the neuron to the EEG and EMG / editor, O. Creutzfeldt ; pt. A


  • Nervous and muscular evoked potentials

    editor, H.E. Kaeser

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1975 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 16 . Electromyography / editor, F. Buchthal ; pt. A


  • Brain tumors and other space occupying processes

    editor R. Hess

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1975 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 14 . Clinical EEG, IV / editor, O. Magnus ; pt. C


  • Epilepsies

    editors, H. Gastaut and C.A. Tassinari

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1975 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 13 . Clinical EEG, III / editor, H. Gastaut ; pt. A


  • Altered states of consciousness, coma, cerebral death

    editors, R. Harner and R. Naquet

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1975 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 12 . Clinical EEG, II


  • Stereoelectroencephalography

    editor, J. Bancaud

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1975 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 10 . Direct, cortical and depth evaluation of the brain / editor, C. Ajmone Marsan ; pt. B


  • Evoked responses

    editors, W. Storm van Leeuwen, F.H. Lopes da Silva and A. Kamp

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1975 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 8 . Electrical reactions of the brain and complementary methods evaluation / editor, P. Buser ; pt. A


  • EEG and sleep

    editor, P. Passouant

    Elsevier Scientific Pub. , Sole distributors for Japan, Igaku Shoin c1975 Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology v. 7 . Physiological correlates of EEG / editors, E.K. Killam and K. Killam ; pt. A


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