Lowth, Robert, Bp. of London
Robert, Lord Bishop of Oxford
Louth, Robert
[translated from the Latin of Robert Lowth, by G. Gregory, with the notes of professor Michaelis and others]
UT Back-in-Print Service 1999
Robert Lowth ; with an introductory memoir by Peter Hall . Anonymous ; with a new introduction by David A. Reibel
Routledge/Thoemmes Press 1995 Robert Lowth (1710-1787) : the major works
Robert Lowth ; with a new introduction by David A. Reibel
Robert Lowth
Routledge/Thoemmes Press 1995 A new ed Robert Lowth (1710-1787) : the major works
Routledge/Thoemmes Press 1995 2nd ed Robert Lowth (1710-1787) : the major works
v. 1 , v. 2
Routledge/Thoemmes Press 1995
: set
Robert Lowth ; with explanatory remarks by Toshio Gunshi . James Buchanan ; with explanatory remarks by Taizo Hirose
南雲堂 1982.10 復刻版 A reprint series of books relating to the English language / edited by Takanobu Otsuka v. 13
Robert Lowth ; introduction by Vincent Freimarck
G. Olms 1969 Anglistica & Americana : a series of reprints / selected by Bernhard Fabian ... [et al.] 43
1 , 2
Nan'un-do 1968 A reprint series of books relating to the English language / edited by Takanobu Otsuka v. 13
Scolar Press 1967 A Scolar Press facsimile
by Robert Lowth
Printed for Thomas Tegg , Tegg, Wise & Tegg , Griffin , James & Samuel Augustus Gegg 1835 llth ed., carefully corr. and rev
William Hilliard , James Munroe 1834 Cor. and rev. from 10th English ed
J.T. Buckingham 1815
translated from the Latin of the Robert Lowth ; by G. Gregory
Printed for J. Johnson 1787
vol. 1 , vol. 2
notas et epimetra adjecit Ioannes David Michaelis
Apvd Ioan. Christ. Dieterich 1770 Editio secunda, accessionibus secundæ editionis Oxoniensis ditata
pars 1 , pars 2
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
Dodsley 1759 2nd ed