India (Republic). Office of the Director of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh
India. Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh, Director of
Andhra Pradesh (India). Director of Census Operations
India. Directorate of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh
India. Janagaṇanā Kārya Nideśālaya, Āndhra Pradeśa
S.S. Jaya Rao
Controller of Publications [1982] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 2 . Andhra Pradesh ; paper 1 of 1982
T. Vedantam
Controller of Publications 1981 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt 3-A
Controller of Publications 1980 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 2-C(ii)
Office of the Director of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh , Controller of Publications [1979] Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 9
draft, Ch. Purnachandra Rao ; supervision & guidance, V. Venugopal Rao ; editor, T. Vedantam
Controller of Publications 1979 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 6-C-2
Controller of Publications 1979 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt 2-D
Controller of Publications 1979 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 2-B
Controller of Publications 1978 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 2-C-1, pt. 5-A
Controller of Publications 1978 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 6-A
Controller of Publications 1977 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 9-A
field investigation and draft, Khaja Moinuddin ; scrutiny, V. Venugopal Rao ; editor, T. Vedantam
Controller of Publications 1977 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh
field investigation & draft, K. Peddi Raju ; scrutiny, supervision & guidance, V. Venugopal Rao ; editor T. Vedantam
Controller of Publications 1976 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 6 B-17
field investigation & first draft by V.V. Narasimha Rao ; tabulation & scrutiny, Ch. Purnachandra Rao ; supervision & guidance, A.R. Jaya Prakash ; editor, T. Vedantam
Controller of Publications 1976 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 6-C-1
draft, V.V. Narasimha Rao, tabulation & scrutiny, Ch. Purnachandra Rao ; supervision & guidance A.R. Jaya Prakash ; editor T. Vedantam
Controller of Publications 1976 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 6 B-2
draft, Ch. Purnachandra Rao ; supervision & guidance A.R. Jaya Prakash ; editor T. Vedantam
Controller of Publications 1976 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 6 B-1
Controller of Publications 1974 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 4
Controller of Publications 1974 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 3-B
Manager of Publications 1972 Census of India, 1971 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 2-A
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Census of India, 1971 Ser. 2
Pt. 2-B , Pt. 2-C(i) and 5-A , Pt. 2-C(ii) , Pt. 2-D , Pt. 3-B , Pt. 4 , Pt. 6-A , Pt. 6-B-1 , Pt. 6-B-2 , Pt. 6-C-1 , Pt. 6-C-2 , Pt. 9-A , Pt. 11-I
Office of the Director of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh , Manager of Publications 1970- Census of India, 1961 v. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 5-B
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