India (Republic). Office of the Director of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh
India. Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh, Director of
Himachal Pradesh (India). Director of Census Operations
India. Directorate of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh
India. Superintendent of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh
Attar Singh
Controller of Publications 1978-1979 Census of India, 1971 ser. 7 ; Himachal Pradesh ; pt. 2-C
(i) , (ii)
Controller of Publications 1978 Census of India, 1971
Controller of Publications 1977 Census of India, 1971 ser. 7 ; Himachal Pradesh ; pt. 3
Controller of Publications 1977 Census of India, 1971 ser. 7 ; Himachal Pradesh ; pt. 2-A
Controller of Publications 1975 Census of India, 1971 ser. 7 ; Himachal Pradesh ; pt. 4-A&B
printed by Deputy Controller, Printing and Stationery c1975- Census of India, 1971 ser. 7 ; Himachal Pradesh ; pt. 10 . District census handbook ; A, B
Bilaspur district , District Chamba , Kangra district , Kinnaur district , Kulu district , Mahasu district , Simla district
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Census of India, 1971 Ser. 7
Pt. 1-A , Pt. 1-B , Pt. 2-A , Pt. 2-B , Pt. 2-C(i) , Pt. 2-C(ii) , Pt. 2-D , Pt. 3 , Pt. 4-A & B , Pt. 5-A , Pt. 6-A