India. Census Operations, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Directorate of
India. Directorate of Census Operations, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Director of Census Operations
India. Director of Census Operations, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
M.C. Joshi
[Controller of Publications] [1975] Census of India, 1971 ser. 23 ; Andaman and Nicobar Islands ; pt. 2-B(i)
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Census of India, 1971 ser. 23
Pt. 1-A&B , Pt. 2-A , Pt. 2-B(i) , Pt. 2-C(i,ii)&D , Pt. 5-A , Pt. 9
investigation and draft, G.P. Reddi, Shubhendu Sanyal ; editing, M.C. Joshi
Controller of Publications 1975 Census of India, 1971 ser. 23 ; Andaman and Nicobar Islands ; pt. 6-C . Socio-economic survey monograph ; no. 1
Controller of publications [1973] Census of India, 1971 ser. 23 ; Andaman and Nicobar Islands ; Pt. 2-A