Dutt, Clemens Palme
Dutt, Clemens
Marx, Engels ; [translated from the German by Richard Dixon and Clemens Dutt]
Progress Publishers 1975 2nd rev. ed
by Y.P. Frolov ; [translated from the Russian by C.P. Dutt]
Johnson Reprint 1970
[translated from the Russian, edited by Clemens Dutt]
Progress Publishers 1964 2nd rev. ed
Foreign Languages Pub. 1963 2nd rev. ed
[translated from the Russian]
Foreign Languages Publishing Houise [196-?] 2nd rev. ed. / [edited by Andrew Rothstein and Clemens Dutt]
[edited by C.P. Dutt and Andrew Rothstein]
Lawrence & Wishart 1957
Friedrick Engels ; [translated from the German by Clemens Dutt]
Progress Publishers 1954 2nd, rev. ed
Frederick Engels
Foreign Languages Publishing House 1954
by Frederick Engels ; translated by Emile Burns ; edited by C.P. Dutt
International Publishers c1939
by Frederick Engels ; [translated by Emile Burns ; edited by C.P. Dutt]
International Publishers , Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the U.S.S.R. [1939?] Marxist library v. 18
International Publishers c1939 Marxist library v. 18
by Karl Marx ; with appendices by Marx, Engels and Lenin ; [edited by C.P. Dutt]
International Publishers c1938 A rev. translation Marxist library v. 11
by A.E. Fersman ; edited by C.P. Dutt
Martin Lawrence [1937]
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner 1937
Frederick Engels ; edited by C. P. Dutt
Lawrence & Wishart 1936 The Marxist-Leninist library v. 7
Lawrence & Wishart 1936 The Marxist-Leninist library v. 1
by Karl Marx ; with an introduction by Frederick Engels ; [edited by C.P. Dutt and V. Chattopadhyaya]
M. Lawrence [1936?]
by Frederick Engels ; [edited by C.P. Dutt]
International Publishers [19--] Marxist library v. 15
by C.P. Dutt
Labour Research Department [19--] 2nd ed Syllabus series no. 5