グランティン, テンプル
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Temple Grandin
Rider Books 2023
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
テンプル・グランディン著 ; 中尾ゆかり訳
NHK出版 2023.7
Available at 183 libraries
Temple Grandin with Betsy Lerner
Riverhead Books c2022 International ed.
: [pbk]
Available at 2 libraries
Rider 2022
edited by Temple Grandin
Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier c2022 3rd ed.
: hbk
Available at 3 libraries
edited by Deborah Burns
Storey Publishing c2017
CABI 2016, c2014 4th ed
CABI c2015 2nd ed
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 4 libraries
Temple Grandin, Sean Barron ; traduction de Françoise Forin-Mateos
De Boeck c2014 1re éd. Questions de personne . TED
Temple Grandin, Richard Panek
Mariner Books 2014, c2013
Available at 5 libraries
Temple Grandin ; foreword by Tony Attwood
Future Horizons c2014 collector's ed., rev. & expanded
CABI c2014 4th ed
: hardback
テンプル・グランディン, リチャード・パネク著 ; 中尾ゆかり訳
NHK出版 2014.3
Available at 222 libraries
Temple Grandin and Richard Panek
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt c2013
by Sy Montgomery ; [foreword by Temple Grandin]
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2012
テンプル・グランディン, キャサリン・ジョンソン著 ; 中尾ゆかり訳
NHK出版 2011.12
Available at 165 libraries
Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson
Scribner 2010, c2005 Scribner classics
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2010, c2009 Mariner books
日本放送出版協会 2010.4
Available at 149 libraries
CABI c2010
Available at 6 libraries