Fildes, S. L. (Samuel Luke)
Fildes, Samuel Luke
Charles Dickens ; with an introduction by Peter Ackroyd ; and illustrations by Luke Fildes and Charles Collins
Alfred A. Knopf c2004 Everyman's library 283 , Borzoi books
by L. V. Fildes
Joseph 1968
by Charles Dickens ; with twelve illustrations by Luke Fildes and two by Charles Collins ; and an introduction by S.C. Roberts
Oxford University Press 1956 The new Oxford illustrated Dickens
by Charles Dickens ; with twelve illustrations by Luke Fildes ; and two by Charles Collins ; and an introduction by S.C. Roberts
Oxford University Press 1956 The Oxford illustrated Dickens
by Charles Dickens ; with 32 illustrations by Sir Luke Fildes, George Cattermole and Phiz
Charles Scribner 1911 The works of Charles Dickens in 36 volumes 33
by Charles Dickens ; with 32 illustrations by Sir Luke Fildes, George Cattermole, and Phiz
Chapman & Hall , Charles Scribner 1911 The centenary edition of the works of Charles Dickens
by Charles Dickens ; with illustrations by S. Luke Fildes, Cattermole and Phiz
Chapman & Hall , Charles Scribner's Sons 1905 The works of Charles Dickens in twenty-one volumes vol. 21
by Charles Dickens ; with sixteen illustrations by Luke Fildes and F. Walker
Chapman & Hall 1903 The biographical edition of the works of Charles Dickens v. 18
by Charles Dickens ; with illustrations by L. Fildes and E.G. Dalziel
Little, Brown [19--?] The works of Charles Dickens v. 30
[by Charles Dickens]
Bigelow, Brown [19--?] National Library ed The works of Charles Dickens v. 17
[Charles Lever] ; edited by his daughter ; 18 illustrations by Luke Fildes
Downey & Co. 1899 Copyright ed The novels of Charles Lever / edited by his daughter v. 36
by William Makepeace Thackeray ; with illustrations by the author, Luke Fildes, and R. B. Wallace
Smith, Elder 1889 The works of William Makepeace Thackeray : in twenty-six volumes v. 20
by Charles Dickens ; with illustrations by Sir Luke Fildes, George Cattermole and Phiz
Encyclopædia Britannica [1868] The works of Charles Dickens in 22 volumes
Odhams Press [1---]
by Charles Dickens ; with nineteen illustrations by Cattermole and Phiz . by Charles Dickens ; with twelve illustrations by Luke Fildes
Chapman & Hall : Humphrey Milford , Oxford University Press [1---] The works of Charles Dickens : complete edition in twenty volumes / with illustrations by Cruikshank, 'Phiz,' &c