Mears, Leon A. (Leon Artemas)



Mears, Leon


検索結果23件中 1-20 を表示

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  • The new rice economy of Indonesia

    Leon A. Mears

    Gadjah Mada University Press 1981


  • The political economy of rice in the United States

    Leon A. Mears

    Stanford University c1976


  • Rice economy of the Philippines

    by Leon A. Mears ... [et al.]

    Published for the U.P. School of Economics by the University of the Philippines Press 1974


  • Rice marketing costs and margins

    by Leon A. Mears and Teresa L. Anden

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1972 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 72-7


  • Rice storage and milling

    by Leon A. Mears and Rosalinda C. Marquez

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1972 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 72-11


  • Transport and rice marketing in the Philippines

    by Leon A. Mears & Meliza H. Agabin

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1972 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 72-12


  • Rice marketing channels and organization in the Philippines

    by Leon A. Mears, Meliza H. Agabin

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1971 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 71-24


  • Rice price policy

    by Leon A. Mears, Teresa L. Anden

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1971 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 71-22


  • Rice prices and rice price policy

    by Leon A. Mears and Teresa L. Anden

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1971 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 71-19


  • Who benefits from the post-harvest rice price rise?

    by Leon A. Mears and Teresa L. Anden

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1971 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 71-18


  • Finance and credit associated with rice marketing in the Philippines

    by Leon A. Mears, Meliza H. Agabin

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1971 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 71-15


  • Rice and corn consumption statistics

    by Leon A. Mears

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1971 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 71-3


  • A rational rice price policy

    by Leon A. Mears

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1970 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 70-18


  • Rice consumption characteristics influencing rice marketing in the Philippines

    by Leon A. Mears

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1970 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 70-23


  • Relationship of rice marketing to rice production in the Philippines

    by Leon A. Mears

    Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines 1970 Discussion paper / Institute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines no. 70-19


  • Economic development : analysis and case studies

    by Adamantios Pepelasis, Leon Mears, Irma Adelman

    Harper & Row , John Weatherhill 1964, [c1961] Harper international student reprint


  • Economic papers, presented at Second National Scientific Congress of Indonesia by Economic Faculty, University of Indonesia

    edited by Leon A. Mears

    Lembaga Penjelidikan Ekonomi dan Masjarakat, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia [1963]


  • Rice marketing in the Republic of Indonesia

    Leon A. Mears

    P.T. Pembangunan 1961


  • Economic development : analysis and case studies

    Adamantios Pepelasis, Leon Mears, Irma Adelman

    Harper & Brothers c1961


  • Economic development : analysis and case studies

    by Adamantios Pepelasis, Leon Mears, Irma Adelman

    Harper & Row [c1961] Harper international student reprint


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