Ānandaśaṅkara Bāpubhāī Dhruva
Dhruva, Anandshankar Bapubhai
Anandshankar Bapubhai Dhruva
Dhruva, A. B.
ध्रुव, आनन्दशंकर बापुभाई
edited with introduction, notes and appendices by A.B. Dhruva ; foreword by Push Raj Jain
Akshaya Prakashan 2005
भामहाचार्येण विनिर्मितः ; बटुकनाथ शर्मा, तथा बलदेव उपाध्याय इत्येताभ्यां भूमिकादिभिः समलङ्कृत्य ; सम्पादितः आनन्दशङ्करध्रुवमहोदयैः लिखितेन प्राक्कथनेन सनाथीकृतः
चौखम्भा संस्कृत संस्थान 2002 3. संस्करण काशी संस्कृत ग्रन्थमाला 61
श्रीभामहाचार्येण विनिर्मितः ; बटुकनाथ शर्मा, तथा बलदेव उपाध्याय इत्येताभ्यां भूमिकादिभिः समलङ्कृत्य सम्पादितः ; आनन्दशङ्करध्रुवमहोदयैः लिखितेन प्राक्कथनेन सनाथीकृतः
चौखम्भा संस्कृत संस्थान 1981 2. संस्करण काशी संस्कृत ग्रन्थमाला 61
critically edited with notes and introduction by Anandashankar B. Dhruva
Oriental Institute 1968- [2nd ed.] Gaekwad's oriental series no. 38
pt. 1
compiled from the Yogavāsiṣṭha Rāmāyaṇa and edited with introduction, etc., by B.L. Atreya ; with a foreword by A.B. Dhruva ; and editorial note by the general editor ; [edited by Gopī Nāth Kavirāja]
Supt., Print. and Stationery, Govt. Press 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 64
मल्लिषेणसूरिप्रणीता ; आनन्दशङ्कर बापुभाई ध्रुवशर्मणा संशोधिता, उपोद्घात-विवरण-परिशिष्टादिपरिकलैः प्रसाध्य च संपादिता
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिरः 1933 1st ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 83
[chairman, editorial board, A.B. Dhruva]
Benares Hindu University 1932
critically edited with notes and introduction by Anandshankar [i.e. Anandashankar] B. Dhruva
Oriental Institute 1930 Gaekwad's oriental series no. 38
चौखम्भा संस्कृत संस्थान 1928 काशी संस्कृत ग्रन्थमाला 61 . अलङ्कारशास्त्रविभागे||अलंकार शास्त्र विभागे||Alaṅkāraśāstravibhāga ; 2. पुष्पम्
edited with Sāyana's commentary, notes, and a translation by Peter Peterson ; revised and enlarged (third edition) by S.R. Bhandarkar and furnished with additional references (fourth edition) by A.B. Dhruva
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1924 4th ed., new impression Bombay Sanskrit series no. 36
edited with Sāyana's Commentary, notes, and a translation by Peter Peterson ; revised and enlarged (Third edition) by S.R. Bhandarkar ; furnished with additional references (Fourth edition) by A.B. Dhruva
Government Central Press 1917 4th ed Bombay Sanskrit series No. 36
Ànandaśaṅkara Bāpūbhāī Dhruva ; anuvādaka, Mahendrakumāra "Mānava"
Rājakamala Prakāśana [19--]
ed. with introduction, note and appendics by A.B. Dhruva
Dept. of Publiq Instraction 1933 1st ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series 83
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