Winogrand, Garry
edited by Michael Almereyda and Susan Kismaric
Twin Palms Publishers 2023
Herausgeber, Ralph Goertz ; mit Texten von Werner Spies, Joel Meyerowitz, Ralph Goertz
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König , IKS - Institut für Kunstdokumentation und Szenografie c2017
Sarah Hermanson Meister ; with an essay by Max Kozloff
Museum of Modern Art c2017
edited by Leo Rubinfien ; with contributions by Sarah Greenough ... [et al.]
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , In association with Yale University Press c2013
: hardback , : softcover
Garry Winogrand
Museum of Modern Art c2004
edited by Alex Harris and Lee Friedlander
D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers , Steidl c2004
: Steidl
Garry Winogrand ; with an afterword by John Szarkowski
Museum of Modern Art c2004 2nd ed
John Szarkowski
Museum of Modern Art , Distributed by D.A.P. 2003, c1988 2nd printing, with addenda Springs Industries series on the art of photography
: [D.A.P. : hardcover]
Trudy wilner Stack
Arena Editions 2002
Tf. editores 2001
introduction by Fran Lebowitz ; essay by Ben Lifson
Fraenkel Gallery , In association with D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers 1999 1st ed
Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona c1990 The Archive no. 26 . Research series
Museum of Modern Art : Distributed by Harry N. Abrams 1990 c1988 Springs Industries series on the art of photography
: hbk (Museum) , : hbk (Abrams) , : pbk (Museum) , : pbk (Abrams)
Museum of Modern Art : Distributed by New York Graphic Society c1988 Springs Industries series on the art of photography
: pbk
text by Anne H. Hoy
Abbeville Press c1982 1st ed
Abbeville Press c1982
by Garry Winogrand ; with an essay on the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show by Ron Tyler
University of Texas Press c1980
Garry Winogrand ; introduction by Tod Papageorge
Museum of Modern Art c1977
: paperbound
Grossmont College Gallery c1976
Garry Winogrand ; with an essay by Helen Gary Bishop
Farrar, Straus & Giroux c1975
: hbk