Waterman, Peter
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Jai Sen, Peter Waterman, editors
Black Rose Books c2009 2nd ed Black Rose books MM360
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 3 libraries
ジャイ・セン [ほか] 編
作品社 2005.2
Available at 110 libraries
Peter Waterman
Continuum 2001 Employment and work relations in context series
: pbk
Available at 6 libraries
edited by Peter Waterman and Jane Wills
Blackwell 2001
Available at 7 libraries
edited by Ronaldo Munck and Peter Waterman
Macmillan , St. Martin's Press 1999 International political economy series
: uk , : us
Available at 13 libraries
Women living under Muslim Laws 1994 Occasional Paper no. 3
Available at 2 libraries
Publications Office, Institute of Social Studies [1993] Working papers series Sub-series on women, history, and development ; no. 17
Available at 1 libraries
Institute of Social Studies [1991] Working papers series no. 97
Institute of Social Studies [1991] Working papers series no. 110
Publications Office, Institute of Social Studies [1990] Working papers series no. 76
Institute of Social Studies , Heinemann, distributors 1982 Research report series no. 11
Institute of Social Studies 1981 ISS occasional papers no. 91
Institute of Social Studies ; introduction by Peter Waterman
Inter Documentation Co. 1979 IDC micro-book ed
Microform (Microfiche)
[compiled y P. Waterman]
Inter Documentation Co. 1978
[Box 1] , [Box 2] Microform (Microfiche)
edited by Peter C. W. Gutkind and Peter Waterman
Monthly Review Press c1977
edited by Peter C.W. Gutkind and Peter Waterman
Heinemann 1977
Available at 14 libraries