Baltzer, Klaus

検索結果8件中 1-8 を表示

  • Psalms : a commentary on Psalms

    translated and interpreted by Frank-Lothar Hossfeld and Erich Zenger ; edited by Klaus Baltzer ; English translation by Linda M. Maloney

    Fortress Press c2005- Hermeneia : a critical and historical commentary on the Bible

    : [set] , 2 , 3


  • Qoheleth : a commentary

    by Thomas Krüger ; translated by O.C. Dean Jr. ; edited by Klaus Baltzer

    Augsburg Fortress c2004 Hermeneia : a critical and historical commentary on the Bible


  • 1 Enoch : a commentary on the book of 1 Enoch

    by George W.E. Nickelsburg ; edited by Klaus Baltzer

    Fortress Press c2001- Hermeneia : a critical and historical commentary on the Bible

    1 , 2


  • Deutero-Isaiah : a commentary on Isaiah 40-55

    by Klaus Baltzer ; edited by Peter Machinist ; translated by Margaret Kohl

    Fortress Press c2001 Hermeneia : a critical and historical commentary on the Bible


  • Deutero-Jesaja

    Klaus Baltzer

    Gütersloher Verl. 1999 Kommentar zum Alten Testament Bd.10,2


  • Ezekiel : a commentary on the book of the Prophet Ezekiel

    by Walther Zimmerli ; translated by Ronald E. Clements ; edited by Frank Moore Cross and Klaus Baltzer with assistance of Leonard Jay Greenspoon

    Fortress Press c1979-c1983 Hermeneia : a critical and historical commentary on the Bible

    1. chapters 1-24 , 2. chapters 25-48


  • The covenant formulary : in Old Testament, Jewish, and early Christian writings

    Translated by David E. Green

    Fortress Press c1971


  • Das Bundesformular

    von Klaus Baltzer

    Neukirchener c1960 Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament Bd. 4

