スメイヤー, P(スメイヤー, P)
Paul Smeyers editor
Springer c2018 Springer international handbooks of education , Springer reference
v. 2 : softcover
v. 1 : softcover
: set , v. 1 , v. 2
Michael A. Peters, Nicholas C. Burbules, Paul Smeyers
Routledge 2016 Interventions : education, philosophy & culture / Michael A. Peters & Colin Lankshear, series editors
: hbk , : pbk
Paul Smeyers, Marc Depaepe, editors
Springer c2016 Educational research v. 9
Paul Smeyers ... [et al.], editors
Springer c2015 Springer international handbooks of education
: [set] , pt. 1 , pt. 2
D.ブリッジ, P.スメイヤー, R.スミス編著 ; 柘植雅義, 葉養正明, 加治佐哲也編訳
勁草書房 2013.11
edited by Paul Smeyers and Marc Depaepe
Springer c2010
: pbk
by Michael A. Peters, Nicholas C. Burbules, and Paul Smeyers
Paradigm c2010 Interventions : education, philosophy & culture / Michael A. Peters & Colin Lankshear, series editors
Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith, Paul Standish
Palgrave Macmillan 2010, c2007
edited by David Bridges, Paul Smeyers and Richard Smith
Wiley-Blackwell 2009
Springer c2008 Educational research v. 3
Paradigm c2008 Interventions : education, philosophy & culture / Michael A. Peters & Colin Lankshear, series editors
: hbk
Springer c2007
Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish
Palgrave Macmillan 2007
Springer c2006
edited by Michael Peters, James Marshall, and Paul Smeyers
Bergin & Garvey 2001 Critical studies in education and culture series
alk. paper
edited by Francis Crawley, Paul Standish, and Paul Smeyers
Berghahn Books 2000
edited by Paul Smeyers and James D. Marshall
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1995 Philosophy and education / editors, C.J.B. Macmillan and D.C. Phillips v.6
: hbk.