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Bates Gill
Oxford University Press c2022
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
ベイツ・ギル著 ; 古澤嘉朗, 畠山京子訳
柏書房 2014.7
Available at 58 libraries
edited by Michael J. Green and Bates Gill
Columbia University Press c2009
: cloth , : pbk
Available at 42 libraries
Brookings Institution Press c2007
Available at 16 libraries
Evan S. Medeiros, Bates Gill
University Press of the Pacific c2004
: pbk
主編 曾章瑞 ; 作者 Bates Gill[等] ; 翻譯 慮穂榮, 張台航, 余瓊瑤 ; 校訂 韓岡明[等]
國防大學國家戰略研究中心 2002.4 戰略研究系列 A001
Peter C.Y. Chow, Bates Gill, editors
Brookings Institution Press c2000
Available at 30 libraries
Asia/Pacific Research Center, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University 1997 Discussion papers . America's alliances with Japan and Korea in a changing Northeast Asia
edited by Bates Gill and J.N. Mak
Oxford University Press 1997 SIPRI research report no. 13
Available at 22 libraries
Bates Gill and Taeho Kim
Oxford University Press 1995 SIPRI research report no. 11
Available at 14 libraries