Roman, Johan Helmich


Alias Name

Roman, J. H. (Johan Helmich)

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Search Results1-15 of 15

  • Assaggi per violino solo


    Naïve , キングインターナショナル [distribution] [2024]

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 北欧ピアノ小品集 = Nordic countries piano pieces

    音楽之友社 2024.9 New ed

    Printed Music (Other)

    Available at 5 libraries

  • 12 sonatas for violin and figured bass (op. 1) (1716) H. 1-12 : appendix, early arrangements

    Francesco Geminiani ; edited by Rudolf Rasch

    Ut Orpheus c2024 Opera Omnia / Francesco Geminiani ; general editor, Christopher Hogwood v. 1C

    Printed Music (Full Score)

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Zwölf Sonaten für Flöte und Basso continuo = Twelve sonatas for flute and basso continuo

    Johan Helmich Roman ; nach dem Erstdruck herausgegeben und Continuo-Aussetzung von Harry Joelson

    Amadeus 2012 Camera flauto Amadeus Nr. 221-224

    [v. 1] , [v. 2] , [v. 3] , [v. 4] Printed Music (Full Score)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Trios

    Johan Helmich Roman

    La Bottega Discantica c2011

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Twelve flute sonatas


    Naxos c2008 18th century classics

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Ten years of success

    Naxos c1997

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Music for a royal wedding


    Naxos p1997

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Mon coeur tressaille de joie : psaumes et chants sacrés

    Johan Helmich Roman

    Gallo c1993

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Sonatas and assaggi

    Johan Helmich Roman

    Caprice c1987 Musica Sveciae : Swedish music anthology

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The Swedish mass

    Johan Helmich Roman

    Proprius p1987 Musica Sveciae : Swedish music anthology MS 401

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Sinfonias & violin concertos

    Johan Helmich Roman

    BIS c1985

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The Symphony in Sweden

    Garland Pub. 1982-1983 The Symphony, 1720-1840 : a comprehensive collection of full scores in sixty volumes / Barry S. Brook, editor-in-chief ; Barbara B. Heyman, associate editor Ser. F . Scandinavia, Iberia, Slavic countries, and the Americas ; v. 2 , A Garland series

    v. 1 , v. 2 Printed Music (Full Score)

    Available at 6 libraries

  • Zwei Sonaten für Querflöte und Basso continuo

    Johan Helmich Roman ; herausgegeben von Kurt Wolfgang Senn

    Bärenreiter c1952 Hortus musicus 101

    Printed Music (Full Score)

    Available at 2 libraries

  • The Swedish violin

    Intim Musik [19--]

    Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)

    Available at 1 libraries

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