Puttkamer, Joachim von



Von Puttkamer, Joachim


検索結果27件中 1-20 を表示

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  • Biopolitics in central and eastern Europe in the 20th century : fearing for the nation

    edited by Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Joachim von Puttkamer and Immo Rebitschek

    Routledge 2023 Routledge histories of Central and Eastern Europe

    : hbk


  • Biopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century : fearing for the nation

    edited by Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Joachim von Puttkamer and Immo Rebitschek

    Routledge 2023 Routledge histories of Central and Eastern Europe

    : pbk


  • Violence

    edited by Jochen Böhler, Włodzimierz Borodziej and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2022 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 4

    : pbk


  • Violence

    edited by Jochen Böhler, Włodzimierz Borodziej and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2022 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 4

    : hbk


  • Intellectual horizons

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Ferenc Laczó and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2021 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 3

    : [pbk.]


  • Intellectual horizons

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Ferenc Laczó and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2021 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 3

    : hbk


  • From revolution to uncertainty : the year 1990 in Central and Eastern Europe

    edited by Joachim von Puttkamer, Włodzimierz Borodziej and Stanislav Holubec

    Routledge 2020 Routledge histories of Central and Eastern Europe

    : pbk


  • Statehood

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Sabina Ferhadbegović and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2020 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 2

    : [pbk.]


  • Challenges of modernity

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Stanislav Holubec and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2020 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 1

    : [pbk.]


  • From revolution to uncertainty : the year 1990 in Central and Eastern Europe

    edited by Joachim von Puttkamer, Włodzimierz Borodziej and Stanislav Holubec

    Routledge 2020 Routledge histories of Central and Eastern Europe

    : hbk


  • Immigrants and foreigners in Central and Eastern Europe during the twentieth century

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2020 Routledge studies in modern European history 75

    : hbk


  • Statehood

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Sabina Ferhadbegović and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2020 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 2

    : hbk


  • Challenges of modernity

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Stanislav Holubec and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Routledge 2020 Routledge handbooks . The Routledge twentieth century history handbooks . The Routledge history handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century ; v. 1

    : hbk


  • Catastrophe and utopia : Jewish intellectuals in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s

    edited by Ferenc Laczó and Joachim von Puttkamer

    De Gruyter Oldenbourg c2018 Europas Osten im 20. Jahrhundert : Schriften des Imre Kertész Kollegs Jena = Eastern Europe in the twentieth century : publications of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena Bd. 7


  • 1956 : (nieco) inne spojrzenie = 1956 : eine (etwas) andere Perspektive

    red. Jerzy Kochanowski, Joachim von Puttkamer

    Wydawn. Neriton 2016 Wyd. 1


  • Mastery and lost illusions : space and time in the modernization of Eastern and Central Europe

    edited by Włodzimierz Borodziej, Stanislav Holubec, and Joachim von Puttkamer

    De Gruyter Oldenbourg c2014 Europas Osten im 20. Jahrhundert : Schriften des Imre Kertész Kollegs Jena = Eastern Europe in the twentieth century : publications of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena Bd. 5


  • Die Securitate in Siebenbürgen

    herausgegeben von Joachim von Puttkamer, Stefan Sienerth und Ulrich A. Wien

    Böhlau 2014 Siebenbürgisches Archiv Bd. 43


  • Legacies of violence : Eastern Europe's First World War

    edited by Jochen Böhler, Włodzimierz Borodziej and Joachim von Puttkamer

    Oldenbourg Verlag 2014 Europas Osten im 20. Jahrhundert : Schriften des Imre Kertész Kollegs Jena = Eastern Europe in the twentieth century : publications of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena Bd. 3


  • Europa und sein Osten : geschichtskulturelle Herausforderungen

    herausgegeben von Włodzimierz Borodziej und Joachim von Puttkamer

    Oldenbourg 2012 Europas Osten im 20. Jahrhundert : Schriften des Imre Kertész Kollegs Jena = Eastern Europe in the twentieth century : publications of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena Bd. 1


  • Sozialistische Staatlichkeit : Vorträge der Tagung des Collegium Carolinum in Bad Wiessee vom 5. bis 8. November 2009

    herausgegeben von Jana Osterkamp und Joachim von Puttkamer

    Oldenbourg 2012 Bad Wiesseer Tagungen des Collegium Carolinum Bd. 32


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