Singer, Peter N.
edited by P. N. Singer and Ralph M. Rosen
Oxford University Press c2024 Oxford handbooks
P.N. Singer
De Gruyter c2022 Chronoi : Zeit, Zeitempfinden, Zeitordnungen : time, time awareness, time management / herausgegeben von Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Christoph Markschies und Hermann Parzinger Bd. 3
translated with introduction and notes by P.N. Singer and Philip J. van der Eijk ; with the assistance of Piero Tassinari
Cambridge University Press 2018 Cambridge Galen translations / general editor, Philip van der Eijk
v. 1 : hardback
edited by P.N. Singer ; translated with introductions and notes by Vivian Nutton, Daniel Davies and P.N. Singer ; with the collaboration of Piero Tassinari
Cambridge University Press 2017 Cambridge Galen translations / general editor, Philip van der Eijk
: paperback
Cambridge University Press 2013 Cambridge Galen translations / general editor, Philip van der Eijk
: hardback
Galen ; translated with an introduction and notes by P.N. Singer
Oxford University Press 2001, c1997 Oxford world's classics
: pbk
Oxford University Press 1997 The world's classics