Anthon, Henning

検索結果13件中 1-13 を表示

  • Fugle i farver

    tekst, Hans Hvass ; farveplancher, Karl Aage Tinggaard ; tekstillustrationer, Henning Anthon

    Politiken 1977 9. udg


  • Stuefugle i farver

    tekst, G. Mandahl-Barth ; farveplancher, Henning Anthon

    Politiken 1977 5. opl


  • Fisk i farver

    tekst, Hans Hvass ; farveplancher, Henning Anthon

    Politiken 1975


  • Hvad finder jeg i mark og eng

    Leif Lyneborg ; farveplancher, Henning Anthon

    Politiken 1975


  • Hvad finder jeg i skoven

    G. Mandahl-Barth ; farvetavler af Henning Anthon

    Politiken 1974 5. udg


  • Woodland life

    by G. Mandahl-Barth ; edited in the English edition by Arnold Darlington ; colour plates by Henning Anthon ; [translated from the Danish by Edwin Homstrom]

    Blandford Press 1972 2nd ed


  • Reptiles and amphibians in colour

    by Hans Hvass ; illustrations by Henning Anthon ; translated and adapted by Gwynne Vevers

    Blandford Press 1972 English ed


  • Mammals in colour

    by Leif Lyneborg ; illustrations by Henning Anthon ; translated and adapted by Gwynne Vevers & Winwood Reade

    Blandford Press 1971


  • Seashore life in colour

    by Gwynne Vevers ; colour illustrations by Henning Anthon ; [drawings in the text by Renate Klein-Rodder]

    Blandford Press 1969


  • Field and meadow life

    by Leif Lyneborg ; edited for the English edition by Arnold Darlington ; colour plates by Henning Anthon ; [translated from the Danish by Kirsten Campbell Ferguson]

    Blandford Press 1968


  • The pocket encyclopaedia of wild flowers in colour

    M. Skytte Christiansen ; 667 illustrations by Henning Anthon ; translated and edited by Vera Higgins

    Blandford Press c1965


  • Flora in Farben : 667 wildwachsende Pflanzen

    Hans Joachim Conert ; Farbtafeln von Henning Anthon ; Textillustrationen von Jürgen D. Wirth

    O. Maier c1965 Ravensburger Naturbücher in Farben


  • Fishes in colour: marine and freshwater

    Gwynne Vevers ; With notes on angling methods by Bernard Venables ; Coloured illus. by Henning Anthon

    H. F. & G. Witherby Ltd. 1963

