Cockburn, Lord
by Lord Cockburn
Alehouse Press 1989
edited by Alan Bell
Scottish Academic Press 1979
Henry Cockburn ; edited and with an introduction by Karl F. C. Miller
University of Chicago Press 1974 Classics of British historical literature
A.M. Kelley 1970 Historic political trials
by Lord Cockburn ; abridged, and edited with notes by W. Forbes Gray
R. Grant 1945 rev. ed Scottish classics no. 1
edited by Harry A. Cockburn ; with a foreword by Lord Sands
Grant & Murray 1932
by Henry Cockburn
Foulis 1909 New ed / with introduction by Harry A. Cockburn
by the late Lord Cockburn
D. Douglas 1888
v. 1 , v. 2
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
Edmonston and Douglas 1874
Adam and C. Black 1874 New ed.
Adam and Charles Black 1874 Lord Cockburn's works vol. 1
Adam and Charles Black 1856
Adam and Charles Black