Dhābhara, Ba. Na
Dhabhar, Bamanji Nasarvanji
Dhabhar, Bamanji Nasarwanji
Dhabhar, Bomanji Nusserwanji
Bahmanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
Bamanji Nasarvanji Dhabhar
Bomanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
Ervad B. N. Dhabhar
Ervad Bamanji Nasarvanji Dhabhar
Ervad Bomanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
Ervad Bamanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
The K.R. Cama Oriental Institute 1999
by Ervad Bamanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
K.R. Cama Oriental Institute 1963
by Bamanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
Society for the Promotion of Researches in the Zoroastrian Religion 1955
edited with an introduction and a glossary of select terms by Ervad Bamanji Nasarvanji Dhabhar
Trustees of the Parsi Punchayet and Properties 1949 Pahlavi text series no. 8
their version with introduction and notes by Bamanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
K.R. Cama Oriental Institute 1932
edited by Ervad Bamanji Nasarvanji Dhabhar
Trustees of the Parsee Panchayet Funds and Properties 1930 The Pahlavi text series no. 4
Trustees of the Parsee Panchayet Funds and Properties 1930 Pahlavi text series no. 4
Trustees of the Parsee Panchayet Funds and Properties 1927 The Pahlavi text series no. 3
Trustees of the Parsee Panchayet Funds and Properties 1927 Pahlavi text series no. 3
[manufacture] Pahlavi text series no. 3
prepared by Bomanji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
Trustees of the Parsee Punchayet Funds and Properties , H.T. Anklesaria [manufacture] 1923
compiled by Bomanaji Nusserwanji Dhabhar
The K.R. Cama Oriental Institute 1923
prepared by Bamanji Nasarvanji Dhabhar
Commercial Printing Press [manufacture] 1923
compiled by S.A. Brelvi and Ervad B.N. Dhabhar
Managing committee of the Mulla Firuz library 1917
Trustees of the Parsee Panchayat Funds and Properties 1913 The Pahlavi text series no. 2
Trustees of the Parsee Panchayat Funds and Properties , Fort Printing Press [manufacture] 1912 The Pahlavi text series no. 1
Trustees of the Parsee Punchayet Funds and Properties 1909