Norman Hunter ; with seventy-six illustrations by W. Heath Robinson
Puffin Books 1999, c1933 Puffin classics
ノーマン・ハンター作 ; 吉田映子訳 ; ウィリアム・ヒース・ロビンソン画
大日本図書 1989.11 ジュニア・ライブラリー
Norman Hunter ; illustrated by Derek Cousins
Puffin 1983, c1979 Puffin books
by Norman Hunter ; with seventy-six illustrations by W. Heath Robinson
Puffin 1983, c1933 Puffin books
Norman Hunter ; edited with notes by Masahiro Kawakami
Shinozaki Shorin 1982
Norman Hunter ; with illustrations by Derek Counsins
Puffin Books 1980 Puffin books
compiled by Norman Hunter ; illustrated by Jill McDonald
Puffin Books 1979, c1976 Puffin books
Norman Hunter ; with illustrations by Fritz Wegner
Penguin books 1978, c1975 Puffin books
: pbk
Norman Hunter ; illustrated by George Adamson
Puffin Books in association with Bodley Head 1977, c1974 Puffin books
富田和夫, 小西康雄編著
弓書房 1976.4
Norman Hunter ; with illustrations by George Adamson
Puffin Books in association with Bodley Head 1975 Puffin books
compiled by Norman Hunter ; illustrated by Derek Cousins
Puffin Books 1974 Puffin books
Puffin 1972 Puffin books
Penguin 1971, c1969 Puffin books
by Norman Hunter ; illustrated by Jill McDonald
Penguin 1968 A Puffin original
Penguin Books 1966 Puffin books
Penguin 1946, c1933 Puffin books