Marx, Herbert
マルクス, ゼッポ
Marx Brothers
directed by Leo McCarey ; story, music and lyrics by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby ; addittional dialogue by Arthur Sheekman and Nat Perrin
ジェネオン・ユニバーサル・エンターテイメント [distributor] [2012]
ビデオレコード (ビデオ (ディスク))
directed by Leo McCarey ; screenplay by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby
ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン [distributor] c2008 The Marx Brothers silver screen collection : Groucho・Harpo・Chico・Zeppo
directed by Norman McLeod ; screenplay by Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby and S.J. Perelman
directed by Norman Z. McLeod ; screenplay by Arthur Sheekman
directed by Victor Heerman ; screenplay by Morrie Ryskind
directed by Joseph Stanley and Robert Florey ; music by Irving Berlin
ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン [distributor] c2008