Кныш, А. Д.
Knysh, Alexander D.
edited by Christian Lange, Alexander Knysh
Brill c2023 Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies section 1 . The Near and Middle East ; v. 154 . Handbook of Sufı studies ; v. 2
: hardback
под редакцией, Игоря Панкова, Сергея Абашина, Александра Кныша.
Фонд Марджани 2022
Alexander Knysh
Princeton University Press c2017
Routledge 2017 2nd ed
: pbk , : hbk
edited by Özgen Felek and Alexander D. Knysh
State University of New York Press c2012
: pbk
Abu ʾl-Qasim al-Qushayri ; translated by Alexander D. Knysh ; reviewed by Muhammad Eissa
Suhail Academy 2011
by Alexander Knysh
Brill [2010] Themes in Islamic studies v. 1
: paperback
Garnet Publishing c2007 1st ed. The great books of Islamic civilization
written and compiled by Yaron Eliav, Alexander Knysh, Ralph Williams
Kendall/Hunt c2005
Brill 2000 Themes in Islamic studies v. 1
Alexander D. Knysh
State University of New York Press c1999 SUNY series in Islam
Ибн ал-Араби ; введение, перевод с арабского, примечания и библиография А.Д. Кныша
Центр "Петербургское Востоковедение" 1995 Памятники культуры Востока 5