Kunstindustrimuseet (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Museum of Decorative Art (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Danish Museum of Decorative Art
Copenhagen. Danske kunstindustrimuseum
State Museum for Art and Craft (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Danish Museum of Art & Design
Designmuseum Danmark
Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen ; with contributions by Ingelise Nielsen, Marianne Ertberg, and Vibeke Holten Lange ; [translation, Martha Gaber Abrahamsen]
Rhodos c1995
presented by the Utagawa Society of Japan ; in association with the Museum of Decorative Art
Soei Pub. 1994
[concept Paul Schäfer]
Rhodos c1993
Oliver Impey with an essay by Kirihata Ken
Ashmolean Museum , Danish Museum of Decorative Art 1991
[Editor, Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen, Danish Museum of Decorative Art]
Rhodos International Science and Art Publishers c1991-
Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 , Vol. 3 , Vol. 4 , Vol. 5 , Vol. 7
[tekst og redaktion, Jørgen Schou-Christensen]
Kunstindustrimuseet 1991
Erik Mortensen
Kunstindustrimuseet : Rhodos internationalt forlag for videnskab og kunst c1988
[bidrag til skriftet, Henny Harald Hansen]
Margrethe Petersen Design Aps 1987]
Kunstindustrimuseet [1987?]
Tilhører de enkelte fotografer [1987]
Kunstindustrimuseet [1986]
[Museum of Decorative Art] 1975
katalog ved Vibeke Woldbye, med et bidrag af Merete Bodelsen
Kunstindustrimuseet [1984]
[Danske kunstindustrimuseum] [1984]
[written and complied by Annette Juel ; with bibliographical notes by Koziro Yoshida]
Museum of Far Eastern Art , Museum of Decorative Art 1984 , 1984
Sys Thomsen
Borgen c1983
Kunstindustrimuseet [1983]
小笠原信夫編 = critical commentary and plate descriptions by Nobuo Ogasawara
講談社 1983.10
: set , 1 , 2
[Kunstindustrimuseet] [1981]
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek : Kunstindustrimuseet, 1980