edited by Elizabeth Kennedy ; essays by Wendy Greenhouse, Daniel Schulman, and Susan S. Weininger
Terra Museum of American Art : Terra Foundation for the Arts c2004
sous la direction de Sophie Lévy ; Christian Derouet ... [et al.]
Adam Biro , Musée d'art Américain Giverny 2003
edited by Sophie Lévy ; essays by Christian Derouet ... [et al.]
Musée d'Art américain Giverny , In association with University of California Press c2003
Debra Bricker Balken ; with an essay by Jay Bochner
American Federation of Arts : D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers c2003
: pbk. , : hc.
Erica E. Hirshler ; with an essay by David Park Curry ; introduction by Theodore E. Stebbins ; contributions by Efrat Adler Porat and Deanna M. Griffin
Museum of Fine Arts c1994
: pbk
exhibition organization and essay by Jeffrey Wechsler ; with contributions by Sam Hunter and Irving Sandler ; and excerpts from writings by William Seitz and Matthew Lee Rohn
Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers c1989
organized by Judith Russi Kirshner
Terra Museum of American Art 1987
John I.H. Baur, guest curator ; Ann Wiegert, editorial assistant
Oklahoma Art Center c1982