Rehatsek, E.
translated by Edward Rehatsek ; edited with a preface by W.G. Archer ; introduction by G.M. Wickens
Peyke Farhang 1998
by Muhammad bin Khâvendshâh bin Mahmûd, commonly called Mirkhond ; translated from the original Persian by E. Rehatsek ; edited by F.F. Arbuthnot
Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli 1982 IAD religio-philosophy (reprint) series no. 33 . The Rauzat-us-safa, or, Garden of purity ; pt. 2, v. 3
Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli 1982 IAD religio-philosophy (reprint) series no. 30, 32 . The Rauzat-us-safa, or, Garden of purity ; pt. 2
v. 1 , v. 2
by Muhammad bin Khâvendshâh bin Mahmûd, commonly called Mirkhond ; translated from the original Persian by E. Rehatsek, and called by him "Sacred and profane history according to the Moslem belief" ; edited by F.F. Arbuthnot
Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delli 1982 IAD religio-philosophy (reprint) series no. 29, 31 . The Rauzat-us-safa, or, Garden of purity ; pt. 1
translated by Edward Rehatsek ; edited by M.H. Tasbihi
Shargh's Press 1967
Capricorn Books 1966
G. Allen & Unwin 1964
Royal Asiatic Society 1893-1894 Oriental translation fund new ser. 1, pt. 2
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
Royal Asiatic Society 1891-1892 Oriental translation fund new ser. 1, pt. 1
Compiled by Edward Rehatsek
Managing committee of the Mulla Firuz library 1873
tr. from the Persian by Edward Rehatsek
Dámodar Bábuljí Kirké 1871
by J. Pietraszewski ; tr. from the French by Edward Rehatsek
Duftur Ashkara press 1862