Rosa, W. J.
Rosâ, Wenceslao Johanne
Wenceslaus Johannes Rosa ; translated into English by Gavin Betts and Jiří Marvan ; with an introduction by Josef Vintr
Porta Prague 1991 1. ed
Wenceslaus Johannis Rosa ; edited with introduction by Jiří Marvan, with the co-operation of Gavin Betts
O. Sagner 1983 Specimina philologiae Slavicae Bd. 52
authore Wenceslao Johanne Rosâ, in fine appoſita ſunt diverſa idiomate Boëmico, non rithmicè, ſed metricè, more Græco, & Latino compoſita Carmina
Typis Joannis Arnolti â Dobroslawina [1672 ?]
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
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