Peter Stabel
Brepols c2022 Studies in European urban history (1100-1800) / series editor, Marc Boone v. 59
editors, Véronique Lambert, Peter Stabel ; with contributions by Andrea Bardyn ... [et al.]
Lannoo c2016
Marc Boone & Peter Stabel (Eds.)
Garant 2000 Studies in urban social, economic and political history of the medieval and modern Low Countries no. 11
Peter Stabel, Bruno Blondé, Anke Greve (eds.)
Garant 2000 Studies in urban social, economic and political history of the medieval and modern Low Countries no. 10
Walter Prevenier & Peter Stabel (eds.) ; contributions by Juan Antonio Gonzalez Pañero ... [et al.] ; introduction by Peter Clark
Universiteit Gent 1996 Studia historica Gandensia 282