Elsy Leuzinger ; photographs by Isabelle Wettstein & Brigitte Kauf ; [translated by Ann Keep]
Rizzoli 1977, c1976
Imanuel Geiss ; translated by Ann Keep
Methuen 1974
: pbk
by Elsy Leuzinger ; translated by Ann E. Keep
Rietberg Museum 1973 2nd ed
Ernst Winizki ; [übersetzt ins Französische von Jacqueline Doebeli ; ins Englische von Ann Keep] = Ernst Winizki ; [traduits en français par Jacqueline Doebeli ; en anglais par Ann Keep] = Ernst Winizki ; [translated into French by Jacqueline Doebeli ; into English by Ann Keep]
Kunstkreis c1972
von Wolfgang Haberland = by Wolfgang Haberland ; [translation by Ann E. Keep]
Atlantis Verlag c1971
Andreas Volwahsen ; preaface by Walter Henn ; English translation, Ann E. Keep
Oxford & IBH c1969 Living architecture
by Karl Jettmar ; [translated by Ann E. Keep]
Greystone Press 1967 Rev. ed Art of the world : European cultures, the historical, sociological, and religious backgrounds
Elsy Leuzinger ; [translated by Ann E. Keep]
Greystone Press 1967 Rev. ed Art of the world
Crown 1967, c1960 2nd ed Art of the world : non-European cultures, the historical, sociological, and religious backgrounds
Irmgard Woldering ; translated [from the German] by Ann E. Keep
Thames & Hudson c1967
by Dietrich Seckel ; [translated by Ann E. Keep]
Crown Publishers c1964 Art of the world : non-European cultures, the historical, sociological, and religious backgrounds
Methuen 1964 Art of the world : a series of regional histories of the visual arts
by Irmgard Woldering ; [translated by Ann E. Keep]
Crown Pub. 1963 Art of the world : non-European cultures, the historical, sociological, and religious backgrounds
Walter F. Schirmer ; translated by Ann E. Keep
University of California Press 1961
Elsy Leuzinger ; translated by Ann E. Keep
McGraw-Hill 1960 Art of the world
Frits A. Wagner ; [translated by Ann E. Keep]
Methuen 1959 1st ed Art of the world : a series of regional histories of the visual arts 2