Christian Wolff ; translated by Joseph H. Drake ; translation revised by Thomas Ahnert ; edited and with an Introduction by Thomas Ahnert
Liberty Fund c2017 Natural law and Enlightenment classics
: pbk
Thomas Ahnert
Yale University Press c2014 The Lewis Walpole series in eighteenth-century culture and history
edited by Thomas Ahnert and Susan Manning
Palgrave Macmillan 2011 Palgrave studies in cultural and intellectual history
: hbk
Christian Thomasius ; edited, translated, and with an introduction by Thomas Ahnert
Liberty Fund c2011 Natural law and Enlightenment classics
Johann Gottlieb Heineccius ; translated from the Latin by George Turnbull ; edited and with an introduction by Thomas Ahnert and Peter Schröder
Liberty Fund c2008 Natural law and Enlightenment classics
: hardback , : pbk
Christian Thomasius ; edited, translated, and with an introduction by Ian Hunter, Thomas Ahnert, and Frank Grunert
Liberty Fund c2007 Natural law and Enlightenment classics
: [pbk.]
University of Rochester Press 2006 Rochester studies in philosophy [12]