ジョナサン・B.ロソス著 ; 的場知之訳
化学同人 2025.2
Kenneth A. Mason, Tod Duncan, Jonathan B. Losos
McGraw Hill c2024 4th ed
Kenneth A. Mason, Jonathan B. Losos, Tod Duncan ; contributor: Charles J. Welsh
McGraw-Hill Education c2020 12th ed
ジョナサン・B・ロソス著 ; 的場知之訳
化学同人 2019.6
Jonathan B. Losos ; illustrated by Marlin Peterson
Penguin 2018, c2017 Penguin books , Penguin science
: [pbk.]
Riverhead Books c2017
Kenneth A. Mason, Jonathan Losos, Susan Singer ; contributors, Shelley Jansky, Tod Duncan ; based on the work of Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson
McGraw-Hill Education c2017 11th ed
: [hbk]
Jonathan B. Losos, editor in chief ; David A. Baum ... [et al.] editors
Princeton University Press 2017
: pbk
Kenneth A. Mason, Jonathan Losos, Susan Singer ; based on the work of Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson
: international ed
Jonathan B. Losos and Richard E. Lenski, editors
Princeton University Press c2016
Kenneth A. Mason ... [et al.]
McGraw-Hill Education c2015
: hard copy
Kenneth A. Mason, Jonathan B. Losos, Susan R. Singer, based on the work of Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson
McGraw-Hill c2014 10th ed
: international ed , : [hbk] , : special binder-ready version
Princeton University Press c2014
: hardcover
McGraw-Hill Connect Learn Succeed 2011 9th ed., McGraw-Hill international ed
: international student ed
edited by Jonathan B. Losos
Roberts and Company Publishers c2011
Jonathan B. Losos, Kenneth A. Mason, Susan R. Singer, based on the work of Peter H. Raven, George B. Johnson
McGraw-Hill Higher Education c2011 9th ed
George B. Johnson, Jonathan Losos ; illustration authors, William C. Ober and Claire W. Garrison
McGraw-Hill c2010 6th ed
: hbk
George B. Johnson, Jonathan Losos ; illustration authors William C. Ober and Claire W. Garrison
McGraw-Hill c2010 6th ed McGraw-Hill international editions
Jonathan B. Losos
University of California Press c2009
George B. Johnson, Jonathan B. Losos ; illustration authors, William C. Ober and Claire W. Garrison
McGraw-Hill Higher Education c2008 2nd ed
: [set] , : hard copy