Davis, Theodore M.

検索結果5件中 1-5 を表示

  • The tomb of Hâtshopsîtû

    introduction by Theodore M. Davis

    Gerald Duckworth 2004 Duckworth Egyptology

    : [pbk.]


  • The tombs of Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou

    the discovery of the tombs by Theodore M. Davis ; King Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou by Sir Gaston Maspero ; catalogue of the objects discovered by George Daressy ; illustrations in colour by Lancelot Crane

    Constable and company 1912 Excavations in the tombs of the kings


  • The tomb of queen Tîyi

    the discovery of the tomb by Theodore M. Davis ; sketch of the life of queen Tîyi by Gaston Maspero ; note on the estimate of the age attained by the person whose skeleton was found in the tomb by G. Elliot Smith ; the excavations of 1907 by Edward Ayrton ; catalogue of the objects doscovered by George Daressy ; illustrations in colour by E. Harold Jones

    Constable 1910 Excavations in the tombs of the kings


  • The tomb of Siphtah : the monkey tomb and the gold tomb

    Theodore M. Davis ; illustrations in colour, by E. Harold Jones

    Archibald Constable and Co. 1908 Excavations in the tombs of the kings


  • The tomb of Hâtshopsîtû

    introduction by Theodore M. Davis ; The life and monuments of the Queen, by Edouard Naville ; description of the finding and excavation of the tomb, by Howard Carter

    Archibald Constable 1906 Theodore M. Davis' excavations: Bibân el Molûk


